Richest Men in Town

Episode #146: Marc Davis-"I've Won the Lottery of Life"

Mike Freeman & Tyler Goold Season 6 Episode 146

In This Episode:
Mike and Tyler welcome a friend of a friend to the program. Dan Collins reached out and sent Marc Davis over to the Richest Men In Town podcast and Marc did not disappoint. Marc's life experiences have helped him learn some incredibly rich and powerful lessons and he stops by to connect with the guys and share a few nuggets with anyone that will listen. Marc is 100% aware of just how blessed he is and how good he has it. The discussion is rich, to say the least, and topics cover a lot of ground, including:

  • Staying connected to heaven
  • Noise of life
  • Compassion
  • Humility
  • Waiting on the Lord
  • Doing hard things
  • Compensatory blessings
  • Service to make burdens light
  • Spoiled by the Lord
  • Eternal perspective

Marc has seen good times and tough times and through it all, he strives to remember how good God has been to him and what an amazing time it is to be alive. In the end, he is a humble guy trying to stay connected to Jesus and his experiences just might help all of us do the same. To Marc, we thank you for the way that you are living your rich life and for the way you showed up for this conversation. Your "Pops" would be proud for sure. Keep going brother!

Show Notes


  • "A beautiful life is not stumbled upon, it is built. It is chosen. It is nurtured over the years. A beautiful life is made from the heart, not the head. It is not one we can rationalize our way into, it’s one that must be felt. A beautiful life is not one that is immediately comfortable, but one grown through the acknowledgment of what is worth being uncomfortable for. It is not one that is easy, it is one that is worth it." -Brianna Wiest
  • "In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost." -President Russell M. Nelson


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